Who’s come out to play
Los que salen a jugar
Aurelia Álava navega entre el consciente y el inconsistente. Le gusta cruzar fronteras sin documentos pero con contraseñas: shibboleth y perejil. Cree que la posesión territorial de los países es cosa caduca del humanismo caduco, pero hay quienes no han leído aún el memorándum. Aurelia Álava sails between the consciousness & the inconsistencies. She’s into crossing borders documentless but with passwords handy: shibboleth and parsley. She believes that countries’ territorial possessions are an expired thing of a long expired humanism, but some haven’t received the memo.
Gessy Alvarez is a cross-genre writer, publisher, and editor motivated by joy. Her recent project, “Love the Abyss,” was a finalist for the 2022 Black Press St. Lawrence Book Award. Her literary work explores characters living between languages, traditions, and cultures, side-stepping around the meanings of home, origin, and fate. A list of her publications can be found at gessyalvarez.com. Gessy Alvarez es una escritora y editora de libros motivada por la alegría. Su proyecto reciente, “Love the Abyss”, fue finalista del Black Press St. Lawrence Book Award 2022. Su obra literaria explora personajes que viven entre idiomas, tradiciones y culturas, evitando los significados de hogar, origen y destino. Una lista de sus publicaciones se puede encontrar en gessyalvarez.com.
Dana Catharine In Connecticut she learned that the only acceptable response to the question “How are you?” was “Fine, thanks.” Forces of love found her and took her to a place like La Mancha (although in what century she does not remember,) where she learned to answer the question “Cómo estás?” with “Sit down and I will tell you,” and with other travelers of Los Tiempos Pasados played music of Alfonso the Wise, 13th century King of Spain; later suffering a fierce bout of decompression sickness, she returned to her native city, Manhattan, with her soul outside time.
Dana Catharine En Connecticut aprendió que la única respuesta aceptable a la pregunta ‘¿Cómo estás?’ era ‘Bien, gracias’. La fuerza mayor del amor la llevó a un lugar de la Mancha mexicana (de cuyo siglo no se acuerda) en que aprendió a contestar a la pregunta ‘¿Cómo estás?’ con ‘Siéntate y te platico’ y donde, con otros viajeros de Los Tiempos Pasados, tocaba la música de Alfonso el Sabio; luego, con fuerte malestar de descompresión, regresó a su ciudad natal, Manhattan, con el alma fuera del tiempo.
Like most Filipino workers in all corners of the world, Caesar Fabella has been living and working overseas for almost forty years. Tulad ng karamihang Pilipino sa iba’t-ibang sulok nang daigdíg, si Caesar Fabella ay nangibang-bayan nang halos apatnapung taon.
Igual que la mayoría de los trabajadores filipinos desperdigados por todos los rincones del planeta, Caesar Fabella ha vivido y laborado en ultramar por casi cuarenta años.
Roberto Carlos Garcia writes poetry and prose about the Afro-Latinx and Afro-Diasporic experience. His work has been published widely in places like Poetry Magazine, NACLA, Poets & Writers, The Root, and others. Garcia is a 2023 New Jersey State Council of the Arts Poetry Fellow and the author of five books. Four poetry collections: Melancolía, black / Maybe: An Afro Lyric, [Elegies], What Can I Tell You: Selected Poems, and one essay collection, Traveling Freely, forthcoming in autumn 2024 from Curbstone Books / Northwestern University Press. Garcia is the founder of Get Fresh Books Publishing, a literary nonprofit. Roberto Carlos Garcia escribe poesía y prosa sobre la afrolatinidad y la experiencia afrodiaspórica. Su obra ha sido ampliamente publicada en sitios como Poetry Magazine, NACLA, Poets & Writers, The Root, y otros. Garcia ha sido becado en el 2023 por el Consejo Estatal de las Artes de Nueva Jersey y es el autor de cinco libros. Cuatro poemarios: Melancolía, black / Maybe: An Afro Lyric, [Elegies], What Can I Tell You: Selected Poems, y una colección de ensayos, Traveling Freely, serán publicados en otoño del 2024 por Curbstone Books / Northwestern University Press. Garcia es el fundador de Get Fresh Books Publishing, una organización literaria sin fines de lucro.
Rob Hardy was born in Ithaca, New York—named for the home of Homer’s Odysseus—but found his true home in southeastern Minnesota. He’s spent a year in England, months in Greece, and weeks every summer for the past thirty-five years on an island in Lake Huron, but he always returns home to the east side of the Cannon River in Northfield. Most of his poems contain the word “prairie.” Maybe in settling in Minnesota he was completing the journey of his
Swedish immigrant great-grandparents, who only got as far as Cayuga Lake and never reached the land of Sven and Ole. Rob Hardy nació en Ítaca, Nueva York—nombrada en honor del Ulises de Homero—pero encontró su verdadero hogar al sureste de Minesota. Ha pasado un año en Inglaterra, meses en Grecia y semanas cada verano de los últimos treinta y cinco años en una isla del Lago Hurón, aunque siempre regresa a casa al lado este del Río Cannon en Northfield. La mayoría de sus poemas contienen la palabra “pradera”. Quizá al establecerse en Minesota estuviera completando el viaje de sus bisabuelos inmigrantes suecos, que apenas llegaron al Lago Cayuga sin haber alcanzado la tierra de Sven y Ole.
Daniel Heijmen is a teacher living in Brooklyn, NY with his wife and son. He enjoys stumbling through the park at 3am. Daniel Heijmen es profesor y vive en Brooklyn, NY con su esposa e hijo. Disfruta trastabillar por el parque en la madrugada.
Ben Humphries From Cary, North Carolina, but nowadays wanders through different places. Recent homes include a cabin in Boone, an apartment in Guadalajara, and several car seats and couches. His search for a permanent one continues.
Ben Humphries Es de Cary, Carolina del Norte, pero actualmente deambula a través de lugares distintos. Sus hogares recientes incluyen una cabaña en Boone, un apartamento en Guadalajara y varios asientos de coches y sofás. Su búsqueda por uno que sea permanente continúa.
Maité Iracheta Criada en Lomas de Guadalupe, una improbable trayectoria la llevó a recrearse en el Slope. Tras su penúltimo viaje, le pintó bigotes a la foto del pasaporte; tras el último, trigotes. Antes del incidente, se descubría el Ecuador en la playa. Es propensa a la hoja líquida y a los acentos en el lugar erroneó.
Maité Iracheta Raised in Guadalupe Heights, an improbable trajectory pulled her to recreate herself in the Slope. After her penultimate trip, she added a mustache to her passport photo; after the ultimate, a beard. She used to reveal her Equator at the beach before the incident. Tends to liquid pages & vowels on the wrong spot.
Mauricio León nació en Mixcoac antes de la falla geológica. Tardó mucho en irse. Vivió veintitantos años en Baltimore, en las inmediaciones de una Nochebuena. Tuvo una relación muy cercana con Bangkok y Alabama, pero nada dura para siempre. Finalmente emigró al Valle, donde vive felizmente con su Sandía. Toda su vida ha intentado terminar algo de lo que empieza. Nunca lo ha logrado. Mauricio León was born in Mixcoac before the geological fault. It took him a long time to leave. He lived for twenty-plus years in Baltimore, in the vicinity of a Poinsettia. He had a very close relationship with Bangkok and Alabama, but nothing lasts forever. Finally, he migrated to the Valley, where he lives happily with his Watermelon. All his life he has tried to finish something he starts. He has never achieved it.
Gary Lippman “Life’s a beach,” some sages say, and he was born not on a beach but not all that far from one in Asbury Park, New Jersey, where he learned to play the kazoo. After his repressive mother’s premature death, he eagerly sunbathed on Southern California beaches, even sleeping until dawn on some, but the most notable night he spent in Santa Barbara was not on its beach but in its jail, where his mother’s ghost scolded him. He studied law in Chicago near a beach, he wrote parts of his published novel and story collection and journalistic essays near other beaches, he’s made love a few times on still other beaches (although he fathered a child with a lovely Norwegian woman in the center of Paris), and he even once attended a friend’s wedding on a beach (although he married a lovely Hungarian woman at City Hall on New York City’s “Avenue of the Strongest.”) Except for the law studies, his mother’s ghost didn’t approve of any of that stuff, either.
Gary Lippman “La vida es una playa”, dicen los expertos, y él fue a nacer no en una playa, pero cerca de Asbury Park, Nueva Jersey, donde aprendió a tocar el kazoo. Tras la muerte prematura de su represiva madre, se asoleó con ganas en las playas del sur de California y hasta pasó la noche en ellas, aunque la noche más memorable sucediera en Santa Bárbara pero no en la playa sino en su cárcel, donde el fantasma de su madre lo regañó. Estudió leyes cerca de una playa en Chicago, escribió partes de su novela y su antología de cuentos y ensayos cerca de otras playas, ha hecho el amor algunas veces en otras playas más (aunque tuvo un bebé con una linda noruega en el centro de París), e incluso asistió a una boda en la playa (aunque se casó con una linda húngara en la “Avenida de los más fuertes” de la alcaldía de la Ciudad de Nueva York). Con excepción de sus estudios de derecho, el fantasma de su madre no aprobó nada de esto tampoco.
Julia Miranda was born and raised on New York City subways, music, and love. Even with her many expeditions to her parents’ native lands in Puerto Rico and the Philippines, there is nowhere else she would rather be than this spontaneous, melting pot of cultures, in a city that never sleeps and stories that never end. Brooklyn has been the nostalgic and peaceful carrier of her childhood, just a train ride away from the bustling city that scares and excites her so much, which she finds herself spending more time in as she gets older. Her guitar is her best friend and the translator of her thoughts. Her favorite thing about her craft is figuring out a way to translate feeling into sound while maintaining its essence completely. Si Julia Miranda ay ipinanganak, inaruga at lumaki sa mga tren ng New York City subway, musika, at pagmamahal. Kahit nalakbay na niya ang tinubuang-lupa ng kanyang ama’t ina sa Puerto Rico at Pilipinas, wala nang iba pang nais niyang balik-balikan kundi ang tibok at pulso ng samu’t saring kultura ng “the city that never sleeps” at mga kwento nitong walang katapusan. Brooklyn ang nagbigay alaala’t panatag sa kanyang kabataan, isang maikling sakay lamang ng tren sa gulo’t ingay ng lungsod na nagpapakaba’t napapasabik ng kamalayan sa kanyang paglaki’t pagsibol. Gitara ang matalik niyang kaibigan at ito’y nagsisilbing tagasalin ng kanyang saloobin. Nais niyang matuklasan at maisalin ang pinakamalalim niyang damdamin sa himig at awit habang mahuli niya’t mapanatili ang diwa nito.
Lola Podesta-Stephens Bred in and well-fed on memories of Brooklyn, now losing herself in California. Forever a romantic scientist.
Criada y alimentada con memorias de Brooklyn, ahora se extravía en California. Una científica romántica para siempre.
Ricardo Pohlenz Escribe poesía, dibuja poesía, ensambla poesía, interpreta poesía, desdeña poesía, elogia poesía, graba poesía en audio y video, objeta poesía, encuentra poesía, captura poesía, tira poesía, y sueña poesía. También ha sido crítico de cine y artes, editor de revistas y locutor de programas de radio. La mayor parte del tiempo avanza a trompicones por las calles de la Ciudad de México. Writes poetry, draws poetry, assembles poetry, performs poetry, disregards poetry, praises poetry, records poetry, tapes poetry, objects poetry, finds poetry, captures poetry, throws away poetry and dreams of poetry. He’s also been a film and arts critic, a magazine editor and a radio show host. He lurches among the streets of Mexico City most of the time.
Josephine Puebla Smith Nacida 2.250 metros más cerca de las estrellas. Es mitad norte, mitad sur. Desde hace 20 años vive transitando, traspasando y traduciendo. Cuándo está aquí se siente de allá, queriendo ser de por acá.
Born 2,250 meters closer to the stars. She’s half north, midway south. It’s been 20 years since she’s been moving, trespassing & translating. When she’s present she feels she’s from over there longing to be from around here.
Föddes 2 250 meter närmare stjärnorna. Har de senaste 20 åren färdats hit och dit och tillbaka igen. Överskrider gränser och översätter texter. Hälften syd, hälften nord. När hon är här känner hon att hon är därifrån och önskar att hon vore härifrån.
Tracy Quan Opening montage: at the edge of downtown Manhattan, overlooking a 1970s film set, I adorn my ceiling with wooden stars. Grew up in a bilingual city on the Quebec/Ontario border. Mixed beyond black or white, beyond Asian. A Caribbean/Commonwealth past informs my accidental arrival.
Montaje del estreno: a orillas del sur de Manhattan, con vistas a un set de cine de los setenta, decoro mi techo con estrellas de madera. Crecí en una ciudad bilingüe en la frontera de Quebec/Ontario. Mestiza más allá del blanco y negro, más allá de Asia. Un pasado caribeño y de colonias asociadas informa mi llegada accidental.
Amy Richards Amy is the child of a fisherman and lives on the same island on which she was born, a long one with a fish’s tail. She takes the hypotenuse whenever possible, often landing her in Bogotá or CDMX.
Amy es la hija de un pescador y actualmente vive en la misma isla en que nació, una isla larga con cola de pez. Opta por la hipotenusa siempre que sea posible, lo cual muchas veces le lleva a Bogotá o CDMX.
Anthony Rintala, nerd, recently returned from a three decade tour of the American South and is currently hiding out in southern Indiana. He taught at LSU, Texas A&M University, Blinn Community College, and Ivy Tech College, and has edited for Callaloo, New Delta Review, Southern Indiana Review, and Slant. He has been nominated for the Pushcart and won the Poetry Prize at the 2019 SCMLA conference. Antonio Rintala, nerd, acaba de volver de un viaje de tres décadas por el Sur de Estados Unidos y es al sur de Indiana donde actualmente se oculta. Enseñó en LSU, en la Universidad de Texas A&M, en Blinn Community College, y en Ivy Tech College, y ha sido editor de Callaloo, New Delta Review, Southern Indiana Review y Slant. Ha sido nominado para el premio Pushcart y ganó el Premio de Poesía de la conferencia del SCMLA en 2019.
Lars Rogers was born and lives in Tasmania, where he works as an environmental consultant helping industry not be shit (they love being shit though being shit is cheap). His writing revolves around getting it wrong (something humans love!) and what it means to be wild. One day he plans on laying claim to a vast area of land where he will fend off humans with a large stick. This will eventually kick him into a depression, leaving him with no other choice but to invite everyone in. Oh, what a life! Despite having to deal with the shit of consumer lifestyles, he actually quite likes people. Some of his best friends are people. Would you like to be friends? He’s on Substack: Stray Dogs of Stoney Steps. Lars Rogers nació y vive en Tasmania, dónde trabaja como consultor medioambiental ayudando a la industria a no ser una mierda (les encanta ser una mierda porque ser una mierda es barato). Su escritura gira en torno a equivocarse (¡algo que les fascina a los humanos!) y al significado de ser salvaje. Tiene planeado reclamar un día una vasta zona de tierra de la que echará a los humanos con un gran palo. Esto acabará probablemente por sumirlo en una depresión, dejándolo sin otra opción que invitar a todos a entrar. ¡Ay, qué vida! A pesar de tener que ocuparse de la mierda de los estilos de vida consumistas, en realidad le gusta bastante la gente. Algunos de sus mejores amigos son gente. ¿Te gustaría ser su amigo? Encuéntralo en Substack: Stray Dogs of Stoney Steps.
Almendra Staffa Remitente, emisora y traductora. Sender, dispatcher & translator.
Twinky Tecolote Después de fugarse del celofán, t t pinta alas rojo volcánico en los urinarios para mantenerse despierte cinco noches seguidas.
After escaping cellophane, t t paints volcanic red wings on the stalls to stay awake five nights straight.
Catherine Martinez Torigian was born at the intersection of unlikely ethnicities and can only have been imagined into being in New York. She was educated in Catholic Ireland, the part encompassing South Brooklyn, as well as pre-bobo Greenwich Village, Toronto, and Providence. Her roots run deep and wind tight, however, and after wandering, she has returned and re-potted herself firmly in a small plot of fourth generation soil in her ancestral Brooklyn. Catherine Martinez Torigian nació en la intersección de etnias improbables que apenas podría imaginarse verosímil en Nueva York. Recibió su educación en la Irlanda católica que abarca el sur de Brooklyn, en el Greenwich Village antes de ser bobu*, en Toronto y en Providence. Sus raíces son profundas, sin embargo, y a prueba de viento; y tras deambular, ella ha vuelto para plantarse otra vez con firmeza en una pequeña parcela de tierra de cuatro generaciones en su Brooklyn ancestral.
*bohemio y burgués
Mar Valdecantos was born in the big city of Madrid, Spain. The sound of the birds reverberating through and against the buildings and a sunny balcony filled with geraniums, bursting in red and green, has been her memory of that landscape forever. She then changed landscapes several times, moving within the city and the outskirts of Madrid, then to Paris, New York, and Miami, and most recently to Northfield, Minnesota. Since preschool she’s been a visual artist, becoming a writer at age 11, and has not stopped creating ever since. She loves winter, which is a great thing to love in Minnesota. Mar Valdecantos nació en la ciudad de Madrid, España. El sonido de los pájaros reverberando a través y contra los edificios y un balcón soleado lleno de geranios, llenos de rojo y verde, marcaron su paisaje para siempre. Luego cambió de paisaje varias veces, mudándose dentro de la ciudad y las afueras de Madrid, luego París, Francia, Nueva York y Miami en los EE. UU. y últimamente en Northfield, Minnesota. Desde preescolar ha sido pintora, y comenzó a escribir a los 11 años, no ha parado de crear desde entonces. Le encanta el invierno, algo que viene muy bien viviendo en Minnesota.
Photo & Art Credits of TOYS:
– At the top of this page: Untitled, acrylic on canvas by Victor Rodriguez; at the bottom: photo from addanomadd’s archive.
– Letter from a Toy Collector: photos from guest editor Catherine Martinez Torigian.
– The Sanctuary of Artemis: Aura de osos para una muñeca, addanomadd’s photo library.
– Showcases: Girl with a Ball, II (detail, 2000); Untitled, acrylic on canvas by Victor Rodriguez; A-Z a Contributive Picture, Joes Tilson (1963)
– ENTONCES: photo from guest editor.
– It Was my Sister’s First: ídem.
– Video Football Game: Futbolito del mercado de Morelos, addanomadd’s library; Gamer with Helmet, Serpentine Commons’ photo library; and, Accelerated Footballs, by Gabriel Orozco (2005).
– Story of a Fairytale: Barbies photos by guest editor.
– doll: photos by author.
– Toying with an Idea: photos by guest editor.
– Between the Bed and the Wall: Untitled, by Charles Traub; toy horses photo by guest editor.
– TIGRE TIGRE: photos by guest editor.
– Ghazal-Mixtape: Guernica and Chiqui, by Micaela Rodriguez; B&W unicorn photo by guest editor.
– Toyetic I: Untitled i, acrylic on canvas (2018); Untitled ii, acrylic on canvas (2018), both by Victor Rodriguez (2018.)
– Babes in Carland: Photos from addanomadd’s collection.
– Slime: photos by guest editor.
– HALLELUJAH, ANYHOW; guitar photo by guest editor; Untitled iii, acrylic on canvas (2018) by Victor Rodriguez.
– The Vinyl Forest: photos by guest editor and addanomadd’s archive.
– How to Be a King: photos from addanomadd’s archive.
– Juguetes de una mano insondable: photos from addanomadd’s archive.
– Child’s Play: photos from addanomadd’s archive (special thanks to MJ M)