~Ana de Lis
English translation below

Su celda era cómoda, hecha a su medida y gusto. Tenía de todo en la celda: muchos pares de zapatos y bolsos de marcas exclusivas, elegantes prendas de vestir, accesorios de sobra y también joyas; bajo el catre, un par de grandes maletas en las que podría empacarse la mitad; no faltaban las suscripciones a varias plataformas de series y películas, de música y podcasts y, claro, tampoco un teléfono celular de última generación – el mundo le parecía tan pequeño porque cabía en la palma de la mano. En las redes sociales, la inteligencia artificial le proporcionaba lo que le gustaba, nada fuera de sus convicciones, compartía puntos de vista con gente que pensaba igual; temía o despreciaba aquellos que no opinaban lo mismo que ella. A pesar de todo, a menudo se sentía atrapada, encerrada, controlada. No se daba cuenta de que los muros de su celda no eran de cemento y que tampoco había rejas ni candados. Solo hacía falta desconectar, levantarse y salir. Pero le daba tanto miedo.
~Ana de Lis

Her cell was comfortable, tailor-made to her needs and taste. She had everything in her cell: many pairs of exclusive brand shoes and handbags, elegant clothes, a lot of accessories and jewelry also; under the cot, a pair of big suitcases in which half of all her belongings could be packed; she had subscriptions to several streaming services with TV-shows, movies, music & podcasts and, of course, a state-of-the-art cell phone – the world seemed so small to her because it fit in the palm of her hand. In social media, artificial intelligence provided what she liked, nothing outside of her convictions, she shared views with the like-minded; she feared or despised those who did not think the same as her. Often, however, she felt trapped, locked-in, controlled. She didn’t realize that the walls of her cell weren’t made of concrete and that there were also no bars or locks. All that was needed was to disconnect, get up and leave. But she was so afraid.
Translated to English by the writer